Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Joy Fitness # 7 - Never-Ending Calorie Balance

       Good morning people! Well I was already out and about earlier this morning, and I can say with confidence that Fall has officially arrived..it's chilly outside! It's a nice change though, Fall is always an exciting season for me. As for my knee injury, it feels 100% better right now; I've been monitoring the exercises I'm doing, and I've been doing rehab 3 times per week. It's only been 2 weeks of "keeping off it" I guess you could say, and I'm very happy with my progress thus far. Today, I just wanted to talk about calories once again...the never-ending calorie balance. No matter what day, week, month, year or season, calories will always be calories. Every day someone new will make a goal to finally get in shape, and unfortunately most people will fail at reaching that goal. An interesting statistic I read this weekend stated that 85% of gym members will fail to reach their goal, 10% will make a little bit of progress, and only 5% of people will actually reach their goal that they set out to reach when they first joined the gym. Think about that...5%! This can be for many reasons, but at the end of the day 5% is 5%!
       Once again,  it's calories in VS calories out that's going to make the difference...simple formula but not the easiest task to do. Every day, I tell my clients to focus on today and today only. What did you eat today? How many calories are you at? Did you save room for your post-workout meal? How about your cardio? Completely bombarding your mind with your goal is what it's going to take to be part of that 5% of people that actually reach their goals...and honestly, people that want to see drastic changes in their body composition are the people that need to win the calorie balance day in and day out. It can definitely become frustrating when you don't see quick results..but you need to be completely honest with yourself and ask yourself if you've given it 100% of your effort to do what it takes to get in shape. If you concentrate on winning the calorie balance of today and today only, all of those days will add up. The daily sacrifices you make reward you with a satisfying goal in the end. Be part of that 5%!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Joy Fitness # 6 - Dealing with Injuries

       Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I've last posted. I think its' been since April since I actually posted my last blog entry. I have a few other posts written, but I can't find them on my computer..oh well, if I find them I will upload them! I think before I burnt myself out from writing a few entries per week; I think aiming for one entry per week is more reasonable. Today I wanted to talk about dealing with injuries..whether it's sports related, or any physical limitation. Recently, I've developed patellar tendonitis (jumpers knee) in my right knee. The first question you should ask yourself if how did this injury occur. For me, I've been playing basketball very frequently during the summer, and this involves a lot of jumping and stress on the knee joint. Having said that, there were times when there would be knee pain present, but I would continue to play anyway. Definitely not the right solution! The problem with this is that the longer I procrastinate to allow my knee to rest and heal, the more serious this injury can become. From what probably started out as an acute injury, could lead to a chronic injury (long-lasting). Chronic injuries must be dealt with every day, or else the symptoms will recur. Always listen to your body; if there is pain present, avoid that activity! Every injury must be handled differently based on the circumstances, but most of the time you will be able to identify the injury from research.
       My patellar tendonitis has finally healed; however I might have a case of pre-patellar bursitis as well. Any kind of "itis" is very similar, and usually when there is one of these present, an individual has the other as well. Going back to what I said earlier in my post, I probably wouldn't have developed pre-patellar bursitis had I listened to my body and layed off of my knee when I was feeling pain. This is a sign of a chronic injury developing. Let me say first-hand that it is so frustrating to deal with, especially since I love playing sports and doing high-impact activities. For now, I have to treat it the right way so my health is better for the long-term. The main lesson here is to listen to your body, and always prepare for the worst. At the time of playing basketball, I wasn't lifting my legs as intensely as I normally do. Had I been doing that, my supporting muscles around my knee joint would have been stronger and took a lot of the pressure from the high-impact landings off of the joint. So even though a lot of people avoid strength training, it is necessary not only for building muscle and burning fat, but preventing injuries as well!